New Level of Digitization
in Quality Management

Discover how Virtual Sorting will eliminate your manual sorting activities
and help inspect your parts even after they left your premises

What is
Virtual Sorting?

Mapvision Icons-04


Inspect parts completely in a software environment without the need for the physical presence of the parts.
Add new inspection points and conduct sorting activities fully digitally – even after the parts are shipped. 

How does it work?


Mapvision Icons-09

Capture Data

Capture photographic data from the entire part during the initial inspection and create a visual digital twin of the part—for each manufactured part.

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Store Digital Twins

Associate the part information such as serial number and inspection temperature, and store the visual digital twins in the database.

Mapvision Icons-10

Recall and Inspect

Recall the part digital twins at any point in time, define new inspection points, and conduct new inspections fully virtually in the software environment.

Virtual Sorting
In Action


Production Lifecycle


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Before Production

  • Faster line ramp up.
  • Faster refurbishment of old production lines.
  • Reduced PPAP time.

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During Production

  • Lower PPMs & Faster PDCA cycle
  • Reduced downtime
  • Reduced rework time & scrap
  • Remote process monitoring & support

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After Production

  • 100% delivery quality
  • Advanced complaint handling
  • Eliminate manual sorting
  • Avoid batch recall campaigns